Diabetes Prevention

Catholic Charities promotes whole person care through its many programs and services. Catholic Charities is proud to offer a new program launching in 2025! Diabetes Prevention services are now available, in partnership with Trinity Health Mid-Atlantic, and Catholic Charities USA. The Diabetes Prevention Program has launched the first lifestyle change group in early 2025, completely free of charge!

Contact our office now to enroll or read below for more information!

Phone: 302-655-9624
Email: [email protected]

National Diabetes Prevention Program

  • Approximately 1 in 3 adults in the Unites States has prediabetes.
  • 90% of these individuals are unaware they are at risk for this disease, and that it is reversable!

It’s time to make a change!

About Prediabetes
Prediabetes is a warning of Type 2 diabetes. It means your blood sugar levels are elevated but not enough to be Type 2 diabetes. Prediabetes is a serious health condition that not only increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but also heart disease and stroke. There are lifestyle changes you can make to manage or reverse prediabetes, like getting more physical activity and adjusting eating patterns and habits.

Lifestyle Change Program
The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a CDC recognized program targeted to people at high risk for Type 2 diabetes. The focus of the DPP is to prevent Type 2 diabetes by helping participants with pre-diabetes make lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of developing Type 2. CDC-trained coaches work with and support participants to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the year-long program.

What Can I Expect?

• CDC-Approved curriculum with lessons, handouts, and other resources to promote healthy changes.

A Lifestyle Coach, specially trained to lead the program, to help participants learn new skills, and stay motivated and encouraged to set and meet goals. Our Lifestyle coach facilitates discussions to make the program fun, engaging, and exciting.

A Support Group of people with similar goals and challenges. The group can share ideas, celebrate successes, and work together to overcome obstacles. Participants often stay in touch with each other during the week. It can be easier to make changes when working together as a group, rather than doing it on your own.

•  Time Commitment
This is a year-long program that focuses on permanent lifestyle changes. Weekly check-ins will help you stay on track and provide an opportunity to reconnect with your coach and peers. A year may sound like a long commitment, but learning new skills, creating new habits and gaining confidence takes time. As you become more active and start eating better, you’ll notice changes in how you look and feel.
– During the first 6 months of the program, you’ll meet about once a week.
– During the second 6 months, you’ll meet once or twice a month.

How to Get Started!

Talk to Cass

Our chat bot, Cass, can walk you through easy steps of recognizing Prediabetes and how to take healthy steps as described above in Diabetes Prevention.

Cass is a FREE chat service providing encouragement and strategies on how to manage Pre-Diabetes using Chatbot technology. Cass is anonymous, private, and available 24/7. This program is researched and is a scientifically-proven support service. She is used by over 13 million users worldwide. Click on the CASS Chatbot pop-up at the bottom of your screen to get started!

To enroll or for more information:

Catholic Charities Diabetes Prevention
Phone: 302-655-9624
Email : [email protected]

More Resources

Click here to learn more about Prediabetes from the American Diabetes Association.

Click here to learn more about the Lifestyle Change Program.

Click here to learn more about Trinity Health Diabetes Prevention Signs & Symptoms and more.