Basic Needs Program

Our Basic Needs program consists of multiple services to help you resolve a financial crisis. Please click on the links above for more information. Catholic Charities Basic Needs Program dates back to the 1960s and cares for households with financial stressors jeopardizing permanent housing. We support low-income households who need help paying for basic living expenses through:

•  Case Management Services

Clients create an individualized service plan with their case manager to reduce barriers to self-sufficiency, identifying needs, and providing education, guidance, and referrals.

•  Financial Literacy Education

Clients work with case managers to identify and set financial goals like understanding credit and obtaining credit reports, opening a savings or other bank account, avoiding fringe banking services, and accessing low-interest loans.

•  Budget Counseling

Clients create a workable budget with case manager help by reviewing spending patterns and organizing and prioritizing bills.

•  Job Readiness

Case manager supports clients’ efforts to increase income by improving resume building, interviewing, and job seeking skills, and providing referrals to higher education and employment training.

•  Rent / Mortgage / Utility Assistance

Financial grant paid to vendor for bill in arrears

Utility assistance is made available in part through the generous support of Artesian Water, City of Newark Electric, Chesapeake Utilities Corporation, Delaware Electric Cooperative, and United Water.

•  Diaper Bank

Diaper distributions for qualified members.

•  Food Assistance

Food cooperative membership and emergency food pantry distributions.

• Diabetes & Pre-Diabetes Prevention (DPP)

The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is a CDC recognized program targeted to people at high risk for Type 2 diabetes. The focus of the DPP is to prevent Type 2 diabetes by helping participants with pre-diabetes make lifestyle changes to reduce their risk of developing Type 2. CDC-trained coaches work with and support participants to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the year-long program. This program is free of charge. Cass, our chat bot, can walk clients through easy steps of recognizing Prediabetes.

•  Information and Referral Services


To qualify, you must have a documented need requiring help with basic expenses such as rent payments, energy costs, and/or food. You must agree to a personal interview and a financial assessment.

To schedule an appointment, contact the office closest to you.

New Castle County Office
2601 W 4th Street
Wilmington, DE 19805

Kent County Office
2099 S DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901

Sussex County Office
404 S Bedford Street, Suite 9
Georgetown, DE 19947

Eastern Shore Office/Seton Center
30632 Hampden Avenue
PO Box 401
Princess Anne, MD 21853

Click here to send an email for more information.

Click here for an application for assistance and list of documents to complete for your first appointment.

Haga clic aquí para un formulario de admisión de necesidades básicas en español, junto con una lista de documentos para su primera cita.

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